Longterm unemployed
Hello fellow job searchers. I have an odd question, at least odd for me.
I was a valued contract employee that management seemed to like. I had to be switched to a new contract and take a drug test. I do not do illegal drugs but do to some ongoing sleep issues I starting taking CBD oil to help me sleep since other options didn't really work. Turns out my drug test came back with the minimum amount of thc in my system and due to the companies 0 tolerance policy for contractors I was let go. At the time my wife had been traveling a lot for work so we decided it would be best if I stayed home for a while u til her work travels slowed down or stop.
8 months later and that finally happened. My questions are.
How should I explain why I left the job? Contract ended? Family issues? I had a couple interviews 2 months ago and was honest with them. (Not sure if that was foolish or not) Didn't hear back from either.
How should I explain the gap in work? I believe it's a legitimate reason but I'm not sure if employers will see it the same way.
Currently I have been applying to positions again and not even getting a screening interview.
I'm living in Texas if that helps with a response.