I have a 1.5 hr job interview on Monday...
... and I am so nervous. It's all i can think about. I passed the first phone interview, this is the 2nd, and after this, only a few candidates will move onto the 3rd interview.
This is a job I really want for various reasons. I am scared I am going to screw it up.
I am also not sure what will be discussed in the 1.5 hrs. That seems to me, to be an awful long time to do an interview. My past interviews (which I haven't had in almost 10 years) were usually 30-45 min at most.
This interview will be with an HR lady who conducted the phone interview, and the manager of the department I may be working in. I am hoping that much of it will be them talking about the position and my duties.
The phone interview covered a lot of ground about my resume and experience as well as some generic questions about what I like/dislike in a manager.
Anyone have tips on preparing for the unknown? and what are your suggestions for calming yourself down prior to going into an interview. I want to bang this one out of the park, but my own fear of dropping the ball might make me... drop the ball.