Job / Career Switch

I work in IT making $22/hr, it's WFH and I'm still living with my parents (24y/o). For what it's worth, this is a VERY secure job. I could probably be here for the next decade if I wanted or needed to be but the prospect of pay increases or promotions is nearly non-existent.

The IT job market is unbelievably grim, and I know the job market as a whole is pretty grim. For ref, I'm in the USA.

I have been applying around within the field with no luck, even after taking steps to improve my value (i.e. getting certificates and such). I've begun considering the possibility of switching careers. The problem is I've worked in IT my whole adult life, I have no other experience.

Would such a change even be worthwhile or would it make little difference? I know the boat I'm in is no different than most people here so I'm curious as to your opinions / thoughts on it given I'm surely not the only one feeling this way.