will my face change much more after six weeks?

I am just about six weeks post op DJS to correct my underbite (you can see before pics from my other posts) and starting to feel a little discouraged as progress on reducing my swelling has slowed down so much and i’m not as pleased with my new face as i hoped- it went down a lot in the first three weeks but hasn’t improved much since.

I know this is probably normal, but those who went through recovery, do you feel that your face changed a lot more past the six week mark? How so? I feel like I have some asymmetric swelling in my lower jaw and my upper lip/philtrum area looks so long and weird/puffy. My lips don’t close naturally/without forcing. I feel like I still have that kind of “creepy” post op look lol

Would love to hear other experiences and what you did to get the swelling gone past the 6 week mark! So far i’ve just been eating very clean and walking a ton. Hoping once the doc clears me to exercise and chew this week I will see better progress :)