Main an iron, should I make main?

Got some Childhood buddies that wanna play, they’ve all made new non iron mains. Their levels are still sub 40’s, non members, however they keep adding to the roster of people who are playing that I started this game with. My current iron is very early mid game, lvl 100, hardly finished skilling for SOTE, got all the basics out of the way except stupid herblore. I’ve never done much bossing in the past aside for the wilderness, would it be good for me to make a new main, play with my buddies, and have something I can test new material out with faster? My iron isn’t HC, DC’d and he decided to give that career up. Do you guys often play multiple accounts or just focus on iron? I’m worried I’ll burn out on my main.. I really enjoy the iron way, but perhaps I’d stick it out for my friends to experience stuff with them for the first time again.