Example of foldable users coming back to iPhone pro max ?
Dear all,
I have long been an apple fanboy but as a tech lover, I always liked trying new stuff as well, so I dabbled quite a bit with Android phones over time, windows laptops.... and notably foldables, which is something I have always loved (I mean, since they started being a thing) and that's why I currently have an Honor V3.
But I have always be very fond of ipad vs android tablets and I recently got a M4 MBP, which is awesome. As such, I have started to enjoy the integration between the mac and ipad.
Also, I have always loved the AW ultra and I haven't been able to find an equivalent on the Android side. Hence, I am becoming more and more tempted to go back to an iphone 16PM but I wonder wheether some people have made the same move coming from a foldable; I am afraid that I will miss dearly the bigger screen, to show pictures, to read pdfs docs, ppts...something that I do quite a bit.
One solution would be to get an ipad mini with it but then I will have too many devices ;-)
So, any feedback is welcome !