Cocao powder was a game changer for me
Every since i added plain cocoa powder to my diet, like adding a table spoon a day to my muessli or a glass of milk i drink once in a while, or just sprinkle it on my fruits, my mood got a lot better and i have more energy through the day. There is a lot of evidence saying that, consuming it for prolonged amount of time also gives some health benefits for heart and skin.
The funny side effect i noticed was, i carved more cocoa powder and not food, felt addicted to it, i binge less on my eating window (2/22).
If you never had it before, i recommend you give it a try.
Also im going to share what i found about the cocoa powder itself, keep in mind there are 2 versions of the same product.
One is cocoa powder that is dutched with alkaline agent, increasing its PH to make it taste less sour, but its also less healthy option (and i mean it just has less positive nutrients, not harmful), it is also usually sold in shops, its cheaper for some reason and darker in color.
Second one is jsut dried and crushed into powder cacao seeds, its actually called Cacao powder, its bright brown colour and has more nutrients in it. Its harder to get and is more expensive.