Are break ups tough for INFJs in general?

I (INFJ-T) got out of my first romantic relationship with an ESTJ that seemed to have narcissistic traits. It's been almost 3 months now and good and bad memories are still haunting me while he has already moved on with a new girl. When he told me he's getting to know someone new when it's least expected, I got mad and said how I don't have feelings for him anymore and blocked him. I feel guilty for saying that because I still do have feelings for him. Ugh, I can't stop overthinking no matter how much therapy I have. I keep thinking about the good sides of my ex and how I should have reacted better when he crossed my boundaries. I think about him alllll day. I'm guessing I'm having more difficulties since this is my first break up... but are break ups normally this tough for INFJs? How do you navigate break ups?

Edit: Thanks so much everyone for your thoughtful comments! ❤️