Why did indonesian women addicted to junkfood?

TL;DR: My gf and most of my female friends seem addicted to junk food like seblak, crookies, and ceker mercon, eating it almost daily. How to make my gf atleast limit these junkfood consumption????

First, I noticed my gf GoFood history over the past month, and all I saw was: • 18x seblak • 10x crookies • 8x ceker mercon • 4x Indomie Bangladesh • 2x Bebek Kaleyo (understandable)

Then I started asking all my female friends how often they eat junk food like that, and I was shocked to find out that most of them eat it at least once a day. Some mentioned tteokbokki (or tobaki, idk), seblak, ceker mercon, cilor, cimol, cireng, and bakso

It’s blowing my mind. don’t they know how dangerous this kind of food is? I mean, seblak is basically boiled kerupuk with chili powder, and crookies are just overpriced, oversugared cakes (I bet there’s more than 200g of sugar in one of those things).

And my gf seems addicted to these foods. When I tell her that she should limit herself to one junk food per week, she got really angry and said it helps with her mood swings or menstrual cramps. which I think is fuckin bullshit.

Any ideas or tips on how I can help my girlfriend reduce her junk food consumption?