Tvs saved out Ride to sikkim after an accident.

Long Post Alert

In this sub we bash Tvs service (and for good reason most of the time) Well, here's a bit of a story about how tvs saved our ride to sikkim. On 3rd December me and 9 other Ronin Owners started from Kolkata for Siliguri for day 1. Just past raghunathganj, there's an area where road construction was going one and the outgoing lane was blocked off and incoming lane was split into two for moving traffic. We were maintaining close formation. In the meanwhile one over enthusiastic tempo in a bid to overtake moved into the incoming lane then again swerved back into our lane, hitting one of our Riders. The rider couldn't maintain his balance and fell over and across the divider. Gears saved him but the bike was damaged. Left footpeg was broken, gear lever was twister, meter console clamp broken and many other minor damages. We thought our ride was over as because no garage was nearby and surely spare parts won't be available if any were found. Tvs rsa was called and man TVS stepped up. We were quickly connected to the nearest service centre (Raghunath Ganj tvs), photos of the damaged parts were sent to the Workshop Manager and within half an hour or so tvs accidental response unit arrived, changed 'all' the damaged parts, checked and tested the bike, gave us a bill of 1800 (5% discount too) and rode off leaving us dumbstruck but grateful!

We could then continue with the ride and complete it safely. Key takeaway being tvs service is usually a hit or miss, but in this case smash hit would be an understatement.


After an accident while enroute to Siliguri, tvs changed the damaged parts on the roadside saving our ride to sikkim.