“If you win you’ll go broke”
I hate this. I saw a video of Mikki Mase (Net Worth approx. 40mil) basically saying if you don’t know how to manage money you’ll lose it all. That’s true. But I’m 32 and been broke my whole life. I still feel like if I won anything over $250k cash I wouldn’t lose it all and my life would be tremendously better. I’ve been living off of $3k a month to afford my tiny studio in Hollywood and I love my place. If I win anything it would be so easy to put all of it away and spend only the interest I make. You only need $3mil to pay yourself $5k a month for 50 years. You know what sounds way cooler than living in a mansion and buying a sports car for you and everyone in your family? Never having to get up to work a job you don’t care about.
It’s always the super rich that say shit like this. “Money doesn’t buy happiness”. “Mo Money Mo Problems”. Yeah well let me figure that out. I think you’d be surprised.
Maybe I’ll be broke forever, but I got my powerball ticket for tonight.🤞🏻 Good luck bois.