Yayy Recovery!

I wanted to share something that’s been a game-changer for me: IB-STIM. I know how isolating and frustrating IBS can feel. You try diet changes, medications, stress management, and sometimes it seems like nothing works. That was me for years.

Then I found out about IB-STIM, a small device that stimulates the nerves in your ear to help with gut-brain communication. It’s non-invasive, and while it’s designed for teens with IBS, adults can explore it too with the right doctor. For me, it’s helped reduce the pain and bloating I thought I’d just have to live with.

I get it—trying something new when you’ve already tried everything feels like too much. But I’m here to encourage you to advocate for yourself and ask your doctor about this option. I never thought I’d feel a difference, and yet here I am.

If you’ve heard of it or have questions, let’s talk about it in the comments! We’re all in this together.