Hysterectomy vs Tubal Ligation, how did you decide?

I am about to 46 and have been on the pill for about 24 of those years. I am now seeing higher blood pressure, and as a result and experiencing vision issues. I am currently going every 2 months for injections on one eye due to swelling. I need to get off the pills. I was referred to an obgyn the same time my husband was referred for a vasectomy. I was contacted first, so I win! When my doctor had me on lower dose birth control, my periods became so heavy. I would soak through a super + tampon and pad in an hour or two. Now I am back on the regular dose and while the bleeding is a bit lighter, the heavy days come with stringy clots. The doctor i just spoke to first recommended tubal ligation or iud. IUD is not for me. I have personally known people who had it and hated it. I am done with kids. I have had mine and that is it. I can see the benefits of tubal over hysterectomy, but want to hear from others. What made you choose one over the other? I feel like I need to make a pros and cons list..