PSA: be vigilant of fearmongering posts from suspicious accounts.

This is ESP important for those researching or awaiting surgery. This needs to be addressed given a post from earlier today (that now seems to be deleted, after several of us expressed our skepticism). I can’t help but feel that the timing is very suspect given the political climate in the US. I had my surgery a little over a month ago (woohoo!) and if I had seen this post the night before I would’ve been hysterical.

(ETA: day before surgery, I made a post expressing how nervous I was especially about anaesthesia. I got dozens of responses from yall that were reassuring, supportive and warm. THAT’S what its about here!)

This is a SUPPORT sub for those looking into the procedure, awaiting their surgery, and commiserating about the recovery. Not a forum to discuss the “ethical implications” of hysterectomies, or a place to chime in with horror story edge cases designed to plant anxiety or doubt in our minds.


5WPO and hysterectomy is the best thing thats happened to me. I wouldn’t call my recovery the smoothest, but this procedure actually SAVED MY LIFE which is maybe food for thought for anyone trying to influence us otherwise.