Oops, you accidentally fell into the minesweeper dimension.

Oops, you accidentally fell into the minesweeper dimension with just what you're wearing now, or a modesty toga if nothing. It's a little Elf's fault. He can't get you out but he can guarantee one slightly magical amazon delivery will make it to you before your connection to your home dimension is lost. A phone with an amazon app open appears in your hand. You can order any three real world things, so long as they do not allow in any combination for you to fully automate solving the minesweeper dimension. Humans, animals, objects, vehicles are all allowed but humans are given an explanation and a chance to say no. You cannot order things like "a fully furnished mansion" in order to gain multiple separate items in one. It would appear as an unfurnished unstaffed mansion. The phone then vanishes, and your objects appear fully assembled, sans packaging.

The minesweeper dimension is a silent, fluorescent lit, endless array of default expert minesweeper grids that stretch forever. You can engage with these boards by physically going to the squares one at a time and stomping or bopping them, or by imagining clicking or flagging a square one at a time if you don't want to hop around. If all of the boards in your eye view have been played, they will reset to new random boards. There is no pattern to the resetting if you manage to somehow play every arrangement of boards. It is loud but not painful to lose a board. One candy or piece of fruit will appear when you clear a board.

The air is breathable, and comfortable. You don't seem to age here, but you know that time is passing elsewhere. A little table always seems to be within arms reach with tepid tap water, and an also tepid mysteriously flavorless grey soup. These sustain you perfectly, and act like any needed prescriptions while in minesweeper dimension. Anything living brought here with you is additionally sustained by these foods, and ageless during their stay.

The only way to escape back to your home dimension is to solve 5,000 of the expert minesweeper boards using the conventional methods of play.

How long would you be in minesweeper dimension? Do you even know the rules of this game? What would you bring to help or increase comfort? Would you just stay forever?