Verapamil - tachycardia when the pills kick in?
Has anybody dealt with this taking verapamil? I’ve been on it for years but am only just recently noticing that 1-3 hours after I take my daily dose of verapamil my heart rate will skyrocket above 100bpm even if I’m just sitting or laying down. When I check my blood pressure, it’s “low” for me: 113/70 when usually it’s been 140/90+. This will last for at least a couple of hours - I can’t get my heart rate down, my face flushes, I get hot, etc. It is extremely uncomfortable.
I went to the doctor and I’ve been brushed off - apparently this is possible with other classes of BP meds but not calcium channel blockers but I SWEAR it’s happening. I’ve been keeping a log.
Does this happen to anyone else?