Air horn blown into ear

Hi y'all, I'm just looking for advice.

I'm 18 years old, and was born with one sided deafness. I have always thought that my oversensitive hearing was a product of that. I have always hated loud sounds, thus always wore earplugs when going to clubs concert etc.

Last Wednesday someone blew an air horn into my ear when I wasn't wearing earplugs. Ever since then I have had a slow ramp up to where I am now. Not really pain hyperacusis, but very sensitive to sounds. I can take a shower and pee and talk and eat with no ear plugs without a problem. My phone sounds , TV sounds and cutlery have been really triggering me. I'm thankful I have neither pain or hyperacusis, and I'm going to an ENT specialist to assess the physical hearing damage. My GP has put me onto Prednisolone, to limit inflammation in the early stages.

I'm anxious to get noxacusis and tinnitus. I already have a hard time calming down and relaxing, and these two would make me go absolutely insane.

What must i do right now?

Can I listen to music if it doesnt physically hurt, yet still feels a little uncomfortable?

Has meditation helped any of you?

Whenever I'm bothered by sound, I try to fight the reflex of covering my ears, and instead try to ask my ears why they are scared, and what they are scared of. Is this dangerous? Can I get noxacusis/tinnitus by just listening to pee hitting the water or stuff like that? Should I let go or should i put my plugs in and totally let all sounds go?

This has been a huge hit on me. I'm thankful for the stuff I didnt get, yet I am bummed that this is now the reality. Could this get better in like 2 weeks? People who get tinnitus also might have temporary tinnitus and it will go away in the short term. Does that happen with this as well?

Please help me. I need consultation, I need help. All my life living with just 1 ear I have made it the absolute priority to not injure my other. Yet here we are. We are all in the same boat, I shouldnt be acting the victim here.

Anyways, please help me, give me your tips, and tell me what to do. I need to avoid making things worse. I absolutely cant handle that. Bless you all and thank you.