HELP. Live performer with Hyperacusis

Hi people, I am a musician that makes loud punk music. during a rehearsal and live performance, 2/3 weeks ago, i overloaded my ears and attained what seems to be hyper acusis.

These are my symptoms: normal noises are often too loud, like doing the dishes, or videos on my phone, resulting in sharp clashing in the ears, when making/listening music while wearing headphones i sometimes get pains in my ears, even when volume is soft. My ear also feel ‘full’ like its muffled. very enoying. I gladly dont have a ringing noise, but i definitely damaged my ears.

What i have done up until now is take magnesium pills daily (500g) and i now wear earplugs when going to parties.

im very scared, my next performance is this friday and idk what i should do.I really cant afford to cancel, will it be fine if it doesnt hurt my ears? How to heal this? its been 3 weeks and it doesnt seem to get better.. Any advice??