WHAT IS THE NORM (preferably answers from ladies)

okay f15 here. recently made a post asking if it’s normal that I change my underwear after every shower because of something my friend said: https://www.reddit.com/r/hygiene/comments/1enp2kr/for_the_ladies_youre_supposed_to_change_your/

a lot of women were questioning why I even sleep in underwear as it is suggested not to sleep in any at all. lots of people in general were also questioning why i take 2 showers a day because they claimed its a waste of water. so what is it? what’s normal? now i feel weird for my hygienic routine

i sleep in underwear because i was NEVER taught by another female you’re supposed to let your girl air out, i just assumed you were supposed to sleep in it especially because all my female friends do too. some women were even saying they rarely wear underwear even going out on errands, unless they’re on their period. which no judgment here, but I was honestly very baffled to hear all of this. and baffled that other people thought *i* was the weird one for sleeping in underwear :’) **but thank you to all the girls who lmk some tips for sleeping commando as someone who produces a lot of discharge half the time.**

i shower 2x a day because thats what I was taught is normal, all my friends do too, and i live in tx so even if showering 2x a day WASNT the norm i tend to sweat a lot because of the heat and id prefer to shower 2x a day. I know it can strip away your natural oils but oh well