My neighbor won't let his dogs in at night.

My neighbors leave both their little dogs out at night. I can hear them crying right now and scratching the door. The owners are home right now.

I don't get along with them and knocking at their door to say something isn't an option.

Is there anyone I can call to let them know of the situation? Is it even a legal matter?

I am not a Karen, I'm just a dog person, and I don't think it's right for house pets to be outside with the freezer coming in.

*UPDATE: police have been notified. They tell me they will be here in about 15 minutes. I'll update once they come.

**UPDATE: Police have arrived. They are talking to the neighbors, and the father does not seem to be happy at all. I'm not going outside because I don't want him to know it was me. I'm seeing it over the security camera.

***UPDATE: ok, this just escalated big time. The dogs are inside, but it seems that they have arrested my neighbor. His wife is outside trying to fight an officer. I'm not sure what's going on.

****UPDATE: Neighbor got arrested or at least taken away. I dont think it had to do with the dogs. There are too many cops to be a pet outside situation. To be clear, this isn't the 1st time cops come around.

I'm guessing a warrant or something of that sort.

*****UPDATE: My wife got mad at me yesterday because she thinks the guy might come after us. I'm not sure how he would know it was me. Nothing really happened after the cops left. Several family members drove away after the cops. I'm guessing to meet with him.

Dogs are still inside so far. So... mission accomplished....?