Last meals before discharge today from the hospital in Indonesia! Merry Christmas and thanks for keeping me company through this!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! I was discharged earlier today but wanted to share with you guys! Thanks for the well wishes from me last post!🥹❤️ Feeling better and armed with a bag full of meds to fight the amoebas! 😄

Pic 1: dinner for my last night: rice, fried tofu, beef sausage rolls (I think) bowl of chicken teriyaki and bowl of beef broth!

I wasn’t feeling well enough and too sensitive to smell to enjoy anything😩 I KNOW I would have devoured everything if I could though. Ate mostly white bread and broth!

Pic 2: breakfast before going home: egg omelette, mashed potatoes, saltines, and banana! This meal was more simple and I was feeling well enough to eat most of it. Took me like an hour and a half though lol Instant mashed potatoes have never tasted so good! Ate all 3 scoops!

Take care ya’ll and thanks again! ❤️