Got amoeba parasites and dysentery so at the hospital in Indonesia! 😅

Got amoeba parasites and dysentery (I got Oregon trailed 😭) :( Honestly didn’t have the energy or appetite to really eat much of anything. And if I did, it came right back up :(

First pic/first meal after admission (dinner): rice porridge with toppings (chicken broth and shredded chicken and I think bread). Only could take a bite of just the porridge…it was good but I barely could even keep water or tea down yesterday 😭 (7/10)

Second pic (breakfast): rice noodles with shredded carrots on top with chicken soup and chicken chunks. Only could eat a couple bites of just the noodles (avoided the carrots). Noodles had a sesame oil aftertaste. It tasted good but nothing is really staying down well 5/10 oh also, triangle of bread with honey spread. Took a few bites later in the day and was the first solid food I got to stay fully inside me LOL 7/10 (8/10 actually bc I didn’t throw it back up lol)

3rd pic: dessert after second pic meal. white rice porridge (texture was more like soft rice cake) with a brown sugar or palm sugar sauce on top. Took 3 bites before I had to stop…but really good and sweet! I normally would have finished it. 7/10

Hoping to feel better soon so I can enjoy food again…I usually love ALL food :(