Heartbroken. I really feel like a shell of myself. Help?
So I’ve been talking to this girl for like two weeks and I’ve become madly in love with her. Honestly we were talking every day for hours and hours and what’s funny is that sometimes it feels like 20 minutes and I look and we were on the call for like 3-4 hours. I can’t even describe what it is about her. I just feel like I can be myself around her completely and she understands me, it feels so calming and peaceful to be in her presence.
she would tell me she likes me, she would say that I am what she had visions of man should be like, that I make her feel safe as well.
She would poke fun at me from my age playfully, but that’s what I guess the heartbreak comes from. She says I’m not a realistic option because of our age gap and distance. I understand that it’s not ideal. I understand that it wouldn’t be easy. But I just don’t understand why, why not try.
At the end of the day, it is her decision, I’m not trying to force someone to be with me, I want to be wanted.
She is still quite amazing, I just don’t know how I can continue to talk to her without falling more in love, but realistically knowing that she’s doesn’t see us together.
How am I supposed to handle this?