Created - Free Tools & Documentation from My Homelab Journey

Hey y'all,

For the last few months, I've been creating tools to help me streamline my homelab administration and have been internally documenting my homelab setup. While documenting the journey for myself, I thought the community could benefit, so I created for just that purpose.

The site currently includes:

- About 20 free web-based tools for everyday homelab tasks

- Technical blog documenting setups and configurations

- Focus areas: network management, security, data management, and system administration

I'll periodically share my thoughts and journey in the blog, and I'll continue to grow my tool set over time. Everything is completely free to use—this is my way of giving back to the community that has helped me so much.

I hope this might benefit someone else out there on a similar journey. Looking forward to your feedback and suggestions for additional tools that might help the community.


Edit: Just wanted to provide a quick update, I am hosting this on cloudflare and wasn't aware of a few quirks there, so in my initial release two of the 20 tools didn't work (DNS / URL expander). Thank u/Cyvexx for giving me a heads up and for retesting. I've migrated those two server-side tools to use cloudflare page functions and everything is up and working.

Please let me know if anyone else spots any other issues. I want this to be a positive resource to others.