Got this synology….
Working on my plex server since I have 16TB worth of stuff…hoping to get a rack soon so I can mount this sucker. I don’t really have space in my study to put it since I’ve got a power edge 610 and 4 network switches, a router and a firewall just lying around on the floor somewhere lol (I stubbed my toe more times than I can count) Got this from a friend of mine who I used to work for. Still have a few things I need to setup but this is a big upgrade from the little old Dell Optiplex that I’m using now. I’ve never really used synology before so I’m not sure what it will be like, as I haven’t booted it up yet. I still need to buy more drives…😩
Working on my plex server since I have 16TB worth of stuff…hoping to get a rack soon so I can mount this sucker. I don’t really have space in my study to put it since I’ve got a power edge 610 and 4 network switches, a router and a firewall just lying around on the floor somewhere lol (I stubbed my toe more times than I can count) Got this from a friend of mine who I used to work for. Still have a few things I need to setup but this is a big upgrade from the little old Dell Optiplex that I’m using now. I’ve never really used synology before so I’m not sure what it will be like, as I haven’t booted it up yet. I still need to buy more drives…😩