Hognose snake living with a cat?

Here I am again asking for help from reddit ‘cause I dont have any friends with snakes irl, thank you to everyone who has been helping me

Anyway, I have a cat and I am planning on getting a hognose snake soon. I’m wondering on how to make it more comfortable for both of them? The hognose will be in my room, and closing the door is not an option, as my cat knows how to open doors. How can I essentially ‘cat proof’ my snake enclosure (tank) to make sure that neither will get hurt? My tank has a mesh top, and im worried about my cat jumping ontop and breaking it. I just need some tips and advice here lol

Btw! I am getting a shelf to put the tank a bit higher up to prevent my cat from jumping on top of it. There are no vantage points near by that she could make the jump from.