MF Doom is overrated IMO
I know this is an inflammatory statement but I've listened through all his albums that people call classics on here and I'm just not getting it. I'm an old head hip hop fan (rotation consists of Nas, biggie, black thought, Mos Def, Kendrick, wu tang) so I really appreciate good lyricism and conceptual music.
But MF Dooms appeal really baffles me. Yeah the production on his tracks are great (especially Madvillainy), the bars are technically great, the rugged NY voice is great, but his rhymes make no sense. Generally when I listen to a Nas or Kendrick song I'm getting a great story or message or concept behind the masterful lyrics, but with Doom more times than not it's a bunch of witty lyrics that don't tie together to give the song a story or meaning. It seems the purpose of the song is to showcase his crazy pen but not to actually say something meaningful or tell a story. I think the lack of actual good annotations on genius backs me up on this. Very few verses on Madvillainy seem to tie together to say something meaningful or build a concept. They're just intricate rhymes.
What am I not getting? I don't wanna sound like a hater because I truly value great lyricism and concept songs/albums but with doom I'm getting a guy with great rhymes and rapping voice but with lyrics that don't mean anything and that don't move me in any way. Take a look at genius annotations for Madvillainy, most annotations start with "this line could be referring to...". Like it seems no one really knows what the point of the lyrics are but they sound good. I hear he's an acquired taste but I've listened to Madvillainy at least 10 times and I'm starting to think maybe I'm not crazy and he's being slightly overrated.