Sad sad experience

The first 3 pics are at PetSmart, 4th pic is my tank.

Well, today I went to PetSmart to get something for my dog. Out of curiosity, I went to check the hermit crabs out. I was disgusted and appalled with what I saw. All of the crabs were dead, there was no water, no humidity, no substrate. Now, I’m aware that pet stores do not properly care for hermit crabs, but this was unacceptable. I debated for a few minutes about telling someone, but I decided to do it. When I told the woman that all the crabs were dead, she looked shocked. How long have they been dead? How long have they not been checked on? She got the manager, and I stood there with the manager as she dug out the crabs and I told her what kind of care they need. I also told her to give me any crabs that were still alive. There was 1 alive, hiding in the back behind the coconut hut. They brought me to the register with the hermit crab and tried to ring me up. I told them I am not paying for this crab, I am trying to save its life. They gave it to me.

I have named him Howie. He is a purple pincher. He is not lethargic and his color looks great. But, I do not know if he will make it. What I do know is that if he does pass, he will pass in a safe environment where there are 2 other healthy crabs, humidity, substrate, variety of food and water, and plenty to climb and dig.

Today, I was an advocate for these little guys that need a voice. Do better.