I'm afraid to buy audiophile headphones.
I'm afraid if I will buy those, then I won't be able just have fun from listening to music from worse sources of sound (other headphones, car loudspeakers etc.). It is obvious I can't always have them with me. But my whole life I've been listening to music from regular speakers and I'm afraid I will get irritated not hearing things as clear as in audiophile headphones.
Btw I want to buy HD560S and I'm also afraid since they are open, my mic will gather the sound that is coming out, won't it?
Plus I want it for gaming + listening to music.
Please some advice 🙏🙏🙏
Edit: Someone suggested in comments to buy Koss KSC75 because they are low price and still good quality, but I bought similar but Koss Porta Pro and so far don't really see big audio difference between 70$ gaming headphones and those. Only issue might be that they are open back and I can hear background noises and I would rather not hear them so closed back would fit me better, but that's me.