Racist behavior at events

Yesterday I was at Reactivate and up until a specific moment I was having a really good time. Zany & Noisecontrollers were playing a banging set full of Fusion classics and the atmosphere was at its peak.

At some point though I noticed a dude in front of me grabbing a stranger, an Asian guy - which I initially thought to be his friend - to take a picture with. It took me a moment to realize that that wasn't the case and that in fact he was pulling apart his own eyelids for the picture, clearly mocking the stranger in a racist way.

He did it in such a way behind the other person's back that he didn't notice. After the picture the stranger just went away.

Once I understood what happened, this completely ruined the mood of the moment for me. Took me a while to forget about it and enjoy the rest of the event.

This obviously isn't a Hardstyle only problem but rather general, depicable human behavior.

Has anyone else experienced similar things at parties?