Ethan’s (lack of) intelligence can be summarised by his sheer inability to grasp that criticism of his behaviour is not the same as engaging in said behaviour!

It’s pathetic how much Ethan and the dregs of the foot soldiers rely on the argument that criticism of Ethan is inherently hypocritical. That’s not how words work.

By criticising Ethan’s priorities during a time where his ‘home’ city is ravaged by wildfires, Caroline was not then in turn prioritising Ethan - she was engaging in critique.

Criticising Ethan’s obsession with Hasan is not being obsessed with Ethan. Caroline has never commented on Ethan’s life as a separate entity, she commented on Ethan trying to connect his life to Hasan’s through his IG story. She was not thinking of Ethan, she was thinking of Ethan’s obsession with her friend.


There are so many more examples where I spot embarrassing attempts from H3 to try and blur the lines and it’s because they know Ethan has no convictions or consistently held morals - so their only choice is to shut down critique of Ethan as a whole.