Thoughts on the imminent content nuke
As this nuke is mentioned and promoted repeatedly, I am wondering who does he even think the video is for?
It seems to me that the only audience truly wanting the content nuke are destiny fans and adjacent drama pervs. I don't think most h3 fans even care about hasan hate, they just want an entertaining show. So, if its only being made for that specific audience, i am trying to understand what Ethan thinks his goal is for the nuke.
Maybe its just to continue the backstabbing of a former friend because they refused to do a drama back and forth? Maybe trying to gain more favor with an audience that only likes him because he is trashing Hasan? Or does he think it is the morally correct thing to do; to slander someone as an antisemite who clearly is not?
To me, it seems he thinks this is some morally righteous mission to create, what i believe will be, a terribly bad faith hit piece, which will prove nothing to the broader audience in the end.
It is sad to see the obsession over a clearly one sided beef consume him. I will watch the content nuke, or parts of it, with morbid curiousity, but i have a feeling it will just be a solidification of Ethan's (and the show's) current downward trajectory.