Some updates I would like to see in the game
The game is already really good and I love how much work the devs put into it but here are just some future ideas I have 😗
An actual boss map that isn’t seasonal, one where like you progress and then have to fight a boss at the end like headless horseman just not only at Halloween
Speaking of seasons, Christmas event or a Christmas themed map or something. Like maybe an endless Christmas map or like a silly North Pole objective map where you have to help Santa or something
Ability to add more than two accessories and add multiple front or neck accessories
More long hairs
A woman character… like can we have a nurse in an objective map or something it doesn’t even have to be playable we can just get a little woman representation in the game 😭
A tutorial for the new players
Change the vote kick system to if at least majority votes they get kicked, like 9/12
That’s all my suggestions! If yall have any you recommend u can put it down too but this is all I could think about for now