Next Investment...S70 or Skytrak?

Hey All,

Been playing for a year now and have a 18.4HCP. Play in the UK and I get to the course to do 9 holes at a time, 1-3 times per month. Sometimes more in summer through work.

Recently it was my birthday, so I've some cash to burn. I'm trying to decide whether it's worth spending on a Garmin S70 (£600) to get on course data (but it's currently off season) or spend a bit big and get a net+skytrak for home (£1500).

I generally strike the ball well and will be get a putting matt at home to practice putts. But I don't truly know dispersion data etc...which is why I thought about a Skytrak.

Local driving range has Trackman but you can't download or view total data so it's a little pointless going.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation or has a smartwatch + home set up and can comment? Appreciate it 🙂