Aspergers guy wanting to golf, but have no friends who golf and have questions about golf
In the past few years, when I have gone to Topgolf with family, I have scored rather well, often hitting the Orange and white targets. In February, I bought a set of golf clubs and since the season is starting for golf, I was wondering what I should do since I am a complete beginner. I have no friends who golf and my biggest fear is looking like an idiot, and I have never golfed before so I have no idea what to do when I go on the golf course. How exactly will it work if you'll golf alone or if you'll be assigned with random people. I don't know because I have never been close with people who've golfed and now I am done with school I don't know anyone who golfs. I have aspergers and my fear is looking like an idiot since I am a complete noob at it. I live in the South Hills of Pittsburgh for context so it would be nice if people could direct me to beginner friendly courses.