Best options for me?

Hi, I 23f have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and because of this I am insulin resistant. I have been gaining weight out of control regardless of my diet and activity level (not stellar but I eat well and exercise 2-3 times per week and am generally active). I am scared to look at the scale but I know I’m quickly approaching 250. I desperately want to try glp1 medications, through my research I think it would target my bodies deficiencies because pcos can mimic diabetes/pre diabetes. At this rate, it’s only a matter of time before I am diabetic. I want to prevent this and get my quality of life back. I am already taking Metformin to no avail. I have United Healthcare and not a big budget. What are my options?

TLDR: I have PCOS and am insulin resistant, I have United Healthcare and a very small budget. What’s the best way to get on glp1?