Gains in the past year

Just realized it has been a bit over a year since I got back into PE and started a very consistent 5-6 days per week routine of manual stretches + bundled stretches (5-20 minutes sessions, time allowing), and soft clamping with toe shields (2-4 five minute sessions per day, time allowing).

I also started on 2.5mg daily generic cialis about 8 months ago and went up to 5mg after about 6 months. My EQ has improved, even before the cialis, but I've definitely gained size as well.

Still working on losing weight and cutting out vices with mixed results.

In the past year I've gone from about 5.2 mseg to 5.5 measured today. Length I've gone from about 6.5 bpel to 7 measured today. My glans has gotten bigger but I find it difficult to measure.

I don't have anyone to share this with except y'all, but it has been enjoyable and I love that it works even with a simple and consistent routine.

I haven't talked about it with my wife, but she has made a few size comments and seems to enjoy sex more than she used to. Unfortunately I'll probably need to stop soon, as BJs seem to be getting a little more difficult.