Anyone can explain what the heck happened to Ampel actually?

First time poster here: politics is kind if my hobby and I picked up German in first year of college (2012) Watching Tageschau and ZDF Nachrichten has become my morning coffee routine since then. This year however US elections shadowed many other events I would normally track for my own personal interest. So it was a huge HUGE suprise to hear that ampel went belly up day or two after 6.11. Can someone explain what happened there because I missed the moment Lindner went rogue. I know ampel didnt deliver in many areas, and war in Ukraine and Gaza (in my opinion) turned out to be something that ampel did not know how to react to (bless Analina Bearbock for trying I guess? ) To be absolutely frank upcoming Trump cabinet also requires government with much stronger spine to be able to handle whats coming. I would massively appreciate some more info here as I feel I missed a lot that has led to the situation Germany is esperiencing now. VIELEN HERZLICHEN DANK!