Racism: How Do You Respond and What’s Your Experience?

Hey everyone! I’m a girl born and raised in Germany, but I come from an Asian background. Over the years, I’ve faced racism, especially during COVID. It's not that much, but it happens regularly. People, especially online, can be really weird and mean. But I also had situations where people make racist comments to me in person or even try to flirt by making racist jokes. I never know how to respond, so I just laugh it off, but inside I'm thinking, "What a jerk." How do you handle situations like that? And what are your experiences with racism? Also, if you haven’t been personally affected, can you see how it impacts others around you?

And just to clarify, this has nothing to do with Germany specifically, racism exists everywhere. I’ve learned to be really good at ignoring it and filtering out people who aren’t good for me. At the end of the day, I focus on surrounding myself with the right people and not letting negativity get to me. :D

I'm really curious to hear all of your responses! If you'd rather not write in public, feel free to send me a DM instead. :)