5yo arguing every single day - tantrums


My son has argued with me every day for what seems like forever. He has not had a therapist in several weeks because we moved and are on a waiting list.

What do I do, when the behavior leads to circular arguments that slow us down?

He has been late to school almost every day, because he refuses to do the things he does every day.

He sits down and cries.

The arguments go in a loop. Where am I going wrong? How do I stop this? I’m losing it here. He threw seven tantrums today - none at school, all with me.


Me: Do you want to go to the park?

Son: Yes! I LOVE the park!

Me: Ok. Go put your shoes on.

Son: No.

Me: Do you want to go to the park?

Son: Yes.

Me: Then go put your shoes on.

Son: agitated No.

Me: trying to reason with him Honey, it’s very cold and wet outside. It’s not safe for you to go outside without shoes.

Son: No.

Me: Ok. We can’t go to the park until you put on your shoes.


Me: Then put your shoes on.

Son: No.

Me: Ok.

Son: sobbing I wanna go to the park.

Me: Then you need to listen to me.


Me: Put on your shoes.

Son: NO

It repeats itself and he never seems to understand that one need needs to be met before another is.

How do I get out of this? I don’t know how to simplify this or make it easier.

How do I help him?