Any casual PvP games where you can just join a match and play without being expected to tryhard?

Team Fortress 2 is my favourite multiplayer pvp game of all time and with the still ongoing bot crisis in casual and not really personally enjoying most community servers, I'd love to have some alternatives to hopefully fill that niche at least a little bit

It doesn't need to be an FPS, any PvP game is okay!

My platforms are PC and Switch

Games I've tried that have sort of worked:

TF2 of course

Battlefield 4/1/5

Overwatch in its earlier days, a little bit in the Arcade modes still

Heroes of the Storm, kind of?

Games I've tried that haven't worked:

Rainbow Six Siege, one of my favourite pvp experiences as well but the toxic community, lack of respawns, small team size, etc. etc. make it feel very high-pressure, I'm excited for the upcoming team deathmatch mode maybe being a more casual experience? But that's not out yet

Rocket League, a bit similar to R6S, not quite as bad, but still not really what I'm looking for

Apex Legends, the lack of a solo mode unfortunately kills it for me

Fortnite, I'd honestly really enjoy it but I can't personally stand the building meta, I definitely get why people love it and that it's an iconic part of the game but it's very unfun for me, Fortnite without building or with heavily nerfed building would be my ideal pvp game probably

League of Legends, fun but pressuring and toxic even in ARAM

Thank you!