Looking for games that teach good values to children, any suggestions? ^ ^

Hello everyone,

I had an argument with a coworker today where he essentially wanted to shittalk video games as a whole (on the basis that his younger brother was too addicted to Fifa or something) and I would like to have a list ready with games that teach good morals in case I had similar discussions with other people in the future.

While there are many games that handle various topics such as Bioshock (an example for why you shouldn't have completely free-market-capitalism) or Spec Ops: The Line (TL;DR: "Are we the baddies?") or Dark Souls(don't meet your "heros"/those at the top are there because they put others down/many more...) but those I can think of or find with the search function are directed to adults and more about issues in society and less about teaching life lessons or (more importantly) available for a younger audience (Only one that comes to my mind there would be Undertale)

Would be nice to be able to say that not everything from the medium is "brain rot"/only made to be addicting...

TL;DR: Looking for Games teaching good stuff/morals to children to show people/parents who say "videogames bad, education system good"

Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions :)