Tomorrow the gallbladder comes out! I’m both excited to get it over with and downright terrified. Funnily enough, it’s not the physical surgery that scares me — it’s the intubation, and then the side effects.

Fortunately, I haven’t had prolonged suffering. Long term I’ve dealt with some back pain, and some (albeit infrequent) urgent potty trips after not so good food choices. I had 1 attack a few weeks ago I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy — and that’s what led me to schedule tomorrow.

With that being said… has anyone NOT had a rough go of things / not as much pain or symptoms — and then been relatively OK after the surgery? Do the 2 correlate?

I know it’s wishful thinking, but I am getting on a cruise (God willing all goes well) on 11/9 and I’ve been dreaming of the food and drinks. I know this could very well be a HUGE lifestyle change, but I’m really praying not.