F*** this Game
So i know nobody cares but i have to let my frustration out, after playing the whole week to get enough fodder for the 3 icon packs available (took me the whole motherf****** week) i got veron , schweinsteiger duplicate and larsson . I am definitely done with this game. It feels like a job where you get everything done and in the end you get nothing but a fucking d*** in your ass from this stupid bullshit company!! It doesn’t pay off.
So what did I do? (I cant believe it myself) After my 3rd pack (larsson) i instantly deleted this shit game , went to my arab media store (good habibi) in my street sold this shit box for 350€ - bought myself shoes and hoodies with the money .
do i feel better now ? Kind of - i regret putting so much effort and time into something definitely not worth it.
I hope this text gets someone in the same situation to maybe wake up and stop spending time on something surely not worth it.
In the End I still wanna thank everyone in this community for the tips - for the laughs, for the nice moments . I wish you and your families much health and success in your life , may your dreams come true and you enjoy everyday as much as possible .
I will never be as young as I am today so i gotta change priorities in my life …
I guess thats it … May god bless everyone reading this
Bye 🤝