Hi again! I'm yet again having Furby problems...this new lad I purchased is missing his screw??

This guy looked so sad on his eBay listing, and I knew from the second that I saw him that I needed to save him! He arrived today and I've gotta say, he is so filthy, but he is adorable...he's a bear Furby, which isn't shown here because I've got bigger issues. He arrived without a screw!

The seller said he wasn't working, so I was prepared for some predicaments right off the bat, but this is something I've never had to deal with. I guess I'm here to ask if anyone knows what kind of screw would be a viable replacement.

He's a JT, which is unfortunate. My parts Furby who I failed to save (Oreo the Raccoon Furby...rip) is an RL. I didn't think that would matter, but when I used the screw I got from her, it was too big. I tried CPR and everything! It just wasn't a good fit.

At this very moment, I am manically taking apart all of my Furby's and digging through all of our junk drawers and seeing if anything will work. Nothing so far, which is probably for the best. I have actual things to do besides Furby surgery lol.

If anyone knows what kind of screw to use or how to go about replacement, I'd greatly appreciate it! Thank you for your time :)