Peeing without wiping?
My FWB is also FTM and said he completely stopped wiping when he pees, apparently saying he doesn’t need to since his dick is big enough now it doesn’t make a mess. He says he gives his dick a quick shake then is good to go. He hasn’t had UL or any surgery so I’m not sure what he’s talking about. I always get pee on my dick or the rest of my vulva when I pee, so I wipe.
There are times when I just shake it off if I’m outside (camping or on a running trail) but to never wipe? Sounds unsanitary to me but maybe just shaking works? I never really have residual drops after I shake and I know that’s what most cis guys do, but obviously our anatomy is different
Anyone else try this? Even before I was on T I always used the shake method when I was outside, and to be honest since being on T I feel like shaking works better.
Edit: I’m going to keep using water to rinse off and cloth towels instead when I’m at home. I’ll also get him to do the same because you’re all right , he’s unhygienic