Questioning my sexuality after starting T
This is for sure not a new topic on here but I just wanted to see if anyone felt similarly or could offer any advice.
Starting T has made me question my sexuality again and fully accept that I’m definitely still attracted to men (uh oh). I tried to suppress it and identify as a lesbian for a couple of years because I thought that was the next logical step since being in a relationship with a guy while I was presenting female was a big no.
I’m currently in a relationship with a woman but am now wondering if I’ve ever been attracted to women at all. The emotional attraction is definitely there but the sexual attraction is not so much. I’m feeling a bit guilty/sad/confused/relieved and am having a hard time sorting it out in my head. Could it be internalized homophobia? Am I about to have traversed through the entire LGBTQ acronym?
Thank you in advance 🙏