FISD VATRE and bonds failed. What now?

FISD did a pretty lousy job selling the VATRE and the bonds. They never should have asked for the tennis court, it spoiled the whole thing, and it made it seem like they were just being greedy. It was stupid.

But, the district REALLY needed that tax increase to pass. And FISD and the voters screwed it up.

Class sizes are going to jump up (again... already at 32) and positions are going to be cut. Programs will end. Good teachers are going to leave for other districts. For some positions, Frisco is already hiring anyone with a pulse due to the shortage of quality teachers, and I can't imagine the dregs they will get now. They already cut sending kids to science, math, and engineering competitions. Less field trips. More long term subs instead of certified teachers. They already can't keep the internet functioning. There are buildings that are leaking and have rat infestations. Inflation sucks for everyone.

What comes next? School closures? It's a hard decision that a lot of surrounding districts are facing.

I know people don't understand how schools are funded, but the average increase to taxes would have been like $200 for the year if this had passed. I know your appraisal has gone up. The state takes a lot of that and redistributes it to other districts, all while sitting on a record budget surplus.

You get what you pay for.