Need affordable black red ink

Hello, lovely fountain pen community! I've always been looking for a nice red ink, but I would also want to use it for more formal purposes and a bright red would look out of place. That's why I wondered where I could find a nearly black, clotted blood red. I'd like to get some before uni in october. Unfortunately the only stuff you can find in this place is Pelikan, which are of course great, I have many of their inks, but they're just not filling that one niche I need. Perhaps I could resort to mixing if you all greenlight it.
Got any recs? Thank you! (Also a site would be welcome, as I have no clue where to order from as I'm from Serbia and trying to be as thrifty as possible.)

EDIT: Most likely course of action: first I'll try mixing the Pelikans, if that doesn't turn out satisfactory I'm setting my sights on Wearingeul Metamorphosis. Thank you to everybody!

By the way it's wonderful to see such an active (so many replies in barely a couple of hours) and dedicated (the tooling and resources!!!) community.