My newest foster dog, Niko! He's a 10 month old cleft palate baby, but that doesn't stop him from eating biologically and species appropriate food. (Check out the last image to see his cleft palate that I captured mid-yawn.)
This 10 month old little clefty baby hasn't been dealt the best of cards to start off his life, but he's trying his best to make his way in the world. Niko has irreparable vestibular disease as an aftermath of cerebral hypoxia caused by his original adopter accidentally crushing his head in the door jam of her car. I know, how awful, right?
When this happened, his brain did not receive enough oxygen, which led to damage in the areas responsible for balance and coordination, which are part of the vestibular system.
At this point, his team of neurologists believe that Niko will have a lifelong battle with cerebral ataxia, resulting in clumsy movement. His symptoms have become less pronounced as time goes on and his behavior has improved significantly. With constant positive reinforcement, patience, love, and good food, he can soon be at a point where he could be adopted by a unicorn family willing to give him a chance. He is a really sweet puppy with some quirks who deserves healing after all the trauma he has endured.